How to recycle and use

How will be available again and produce the goods and will not throw you another use,such as (plastic bottles, mineral bottles, stayro cups and plates, disposable spoon and fork, broken tv and electricfan.)

These things could still be used again and take and be decorations inside and outside your home. As for those people too disposed to water bottles.

1.Wash it first and make sure to clean and dry.

2.It can now be used again and place the water. It can be used in order to save water.

3.Or it can also do more decorating your table.

4.Just divide amongst the bottle and cut each side until the flowers appear. Also make sure that each end it is not sharp.

5.Also followed the collapse and roll each end thereof, so long as it look like a circle at each end. Notice you have made will be open and looked like flowers.

6.The period after which if there will come, throw away the newspaper or magazine could have been wrapping it in the bottle. Better to use paper is colorful. Wrap it in bottles and several meetings of this dress.

7.The period after the body or the bottle shroud, was followed by the stems and drape also made it better if  I use another paper. And that can be placed on your table and also put in things that are looks come so beautiful such as the marbles, pencils and so on in it.

8.It may also be used and make it burn. If your bottle is 1.5 better because it is high.

9.Just wash it and dry again so would the cap it.

10.Use a cutter to cut long and have this big hole in the middle. If holes are those builds just the right size.

11.JayR also done without nails also get small and make small holes an its bottom or across large hole made. Just jab it with the nail, not just a ten hole, to a path when you sprinkle with water.

12.When done well to make holes with a nail in to the other end hooked the bottle.

13.Once this has done to the hole, put it at the other end hooked on to. To have hold them or hanger.

14.When finished it done, you can put in soil and crops such an legumes.

Also follow the goods stayro cups, plates, and disposable utensils, like spoon and fork. It may also be decorating. Especially now that Christmas is near, you can also create your own lantern according to your liking and design.

1.Extract and collect the above mentioned uses. Wash and drain.

2.When done is take a styro cups, three disposable spoon and forks.

3.When then jab the spoon and fork until it looks stem to flower. Need is the alternate between me at the forks and spoons.

4.When finished put them add in the paper plates. Also get to six pieces and placed at the top of the spoon and fork. And paste them with the tape.

5.Notice that generated by a large lantern shape. When it’s done it can be coated or painted with designs of you choice.

6.And take lots of colorful paper and crumple lengthwise. Just exactly make for six paper plates.

7.When then enclose them in paper plate on the side and stick wiht glue.

8.When there followed by the spoon and fork. Apply glue around with them and then put glitter  in the colors green and red.

9.Also to make holes in the back with a paper plate and put them hooked, so that it can hook to your door.

Just the simple act to recycled back to throw things. If you really want to reduce waste and help the environment, to advice ways to help our environment. It helped to reduce waste transition, you  have your home inside and out. And not people too need to spend significantly more.

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